Since its initial introduction to the Indian market in 2023, the 5-door Suzuki Jimny has continued to be a success story in regions such as Australia and South Africa. However, it's only now that Suzuki has decided to introduce the 5-door model to its domestic Japanese market, under the "Nomade" moniker.

This is particularly interesting to us for a number of reasons. Primarily, it means that the leading Jimny modifiers in Japan (companies such as APIO, DAMD and others) will likely begin offering products specifically to suit the 5-door model. Suzuki Japan themselves have even unveiled their official Jimny Nomade accessory catalogue.

While the 5-door shares a lot of parts with the 3-door model (meaning that a lot of our accessories are compatible with both versions), some popular items such as exhausts, body kits and rear luggage area accessories are not cross compatible. Hopefully, we'll start to see some development from the leading Japanese brands in this area.

AEROOVER G62L body kit for the 5-door Suzuki Jimny
Another exciting factor for us is that this will likely increase the possibility of the 5-door model being brought to the UK by import specialists. The UK has no shortage of Japanese imports, with JDM (Japanese Domestic Market)-only models such as the Toyota Alphard and Nissan Elgrand being ten-a-penny on our shores.
JDM 3-door Jimny next to our UK 3-door LCV model
Since being officially discontinued in the UK, 3-door Jimny imports from Japan have accelerated over the past few months, so we're excited to see if any of the various import specialists turn their attention to the 5-door model. We'd certainly be interested in having a 5-door of our own in the near this space!
Check out some of our customer 5-door Jimnys on our Lookbook!